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 BS100 字英文介绍

 B/S 模式

  一、 介绍

  B/S 模式是一种以 Web 技术为基础的新型的管理信息系统(简称 MIS)

 系统平台模式。把传统 C/S 模式中的服务器部分分解为一个数据服务器与一个或多个应用服务器(Web 服务器) , 从而构成一个三层结构的客户服务器体系。

 第一层客户机, 它是用户与整个系统的接口。

 客户的应用程序精简到一个通用的浏览器软件, 如 Netscape Navigator, 微软公司的 IE 等。

 浏览器将 HTML 代码转化成图文并茂的网页。

 网页还具备一定的交互功能, 允许用户在网页提供的申请表上输入信息提交给后台, 并提出处理请求。

 这个后台就是第二层的 Web 服务器。

 第二层 Web 服务器将启动相应的进程来响应这一请求, 并动态生成一串 HTML 代码, 其中嵌入处理的结果, 返回给客户机的浏览器。

 如果客户机提交的请求包括数据的存取,Web 服务器还需与数据库服务器协同完成这一处理工作。

 第三层数据库服务器的任务类似于 C/S 模式, 负责协调不同的 Web 服务器发出的 SQ 请求, 管理数据库。

 二、 B/S 和 C/S 的区别

  1. 硬件环境不同:

 C/S 一般建立在专用的网络上, 小范围里的网络环境, 局域网之间再通过专门服务器提供连接和数据交换服务。

 B/S 建立在广域网之上的, 不必是专门的网络硬件环境, 例如电话上网, 租用设备.


 有比 C/S 更强的适应范围, 一般只要有操作系统和浏览器就行。

 2. 对安全要求不同

  C/S 一般面向相对固定的用户群, 对信息安全的控制能力很强。

 一般高度机密的信息系统采用 C/S 结构适宜。

 可以通过 B/S 发布部分可公开信息。

 B/S 建立在广域网之上,



 3. 对程序架构不同

  C/S 程序可以更加注重流程,



 B/S 对安全以及访问速度的多重的考虑, 建立在需要更加优化的基础之上.

 比 C/S 有更高的要求 B/S 结构的程序架构是发展的趋势, 从 MS 的. Net 系列的 BizTalk 2000

 Exchange 2000 等, 全面支持网络的构件搭建的系统。

 SUN 和 IBM 推 JavaBean 构件技术等, 使 B/S 更加成熟. 。

 4. 软件重用不同

  C/S 程序可以不可避免的整体性考虑,

 构件的重用性不如在 B/S 要求下的构件的重用性好。

 B/S 对的多重结构, 要求构件相对独立的功能.

 能够相对较好的重用. 就如买来的餐桌可以再利用, 而不是做在墙上的石头桌子

  5. 系统维护不同

  C/S 程序由于整体性, 必须整体考察, 处理出现的问题以及系统升级.



  B/S 构件组成, 方面构件个别的更换, 实现系统的无缝升级.


 6. 处理问题不同

  C/S 程序可以处理用户面固定, 并且在相同区域, 安全要求高, 需求与操作系统相关.


 B/S 建立在广域网上,

 面向不同的用户群, 分散地域,

 这是 C/S 无法作到的。


 7. 用户接口不同

  C/S 多是建立的 Window 平台上, 表现方法有限, 对程序员普遍要求较高。

 B/S 建立在浏览器上,


 并且大部分难度减低, 减低开发成本。

 8. 信息流不同

  C/S 程序一般是典型的中央集权的机械式处理, 交互性相对低。

 B/S 信息流向可变化, B-B B-C B-G 等信息、 流向的变化, 更像交易中心。

 三、 B/S 的优点

  1、 系统开发、 维护、 升级方便

  每当服务器应用程序升级时, 只要在服务器上升级服务应用程序即可, 用户计算机上的浏览器软件不需要修改, 系统开发和升级维护方便.

 2、 B/S 模式具有很强的开放性

  在 B/S 模式下, 用户通过通用的浏览器进行访问, 系统开放性好。

 3、 B/S 模式的结构易于扩展

  由于 Web 的平台无关性, B/S 模式的结构可以任意扩展, 可以从包含一台服务器和几个用户的小型系统扩展成为拥有成千上万个用户的大型系统. 。

 4、 用户使用方便

  B/S 模式的应用软件都是基于 Web 浏览器的, 而 Web 浏览器的界面是类似的。


 用户接触的界面都是一致的, 用户使用方便。

 Topic of B / S structure

  Ⅰ . Introduction

  B/S is a new pattern information management system (MIS )

 of platform model ,

 which is based of Web skill and break up the server part of traditional C/S model into a data server and no less than one application server( web server)

 , so that become client system with three structures.

 The first tier client,

 it is the interface between the user and the system.

 Streamline client application to a generic browser software such as Netscape Navigator,

 Microsoft" s IE and so on.

 Browser HTML code into the illustrated pages.

 Site also has some interactive features that allow the user to enter information presented to provide background on the web application form and make processing the request.

 The second layer is the background Web server.

 The second layer of the Web server will initiate the process to respond to this request,

 and dynamically generate a bunch of HTML code,

 the result of which is embedded processing,

 returned to the client browser.

 If the request submitted by the client includes a data access,

 Web server,

 and database server needs to complete the collaborative processing.

 The third layer is the database server tasks similar to C/S mode,

 responsible for coordinating the SQ different Web server sends requests,

 manage the database.


 Difference between B / S and C/S


 Hardware environment

  C/S is generally built on a dedicated network,

 a small range in the network environment,

 then provide connectivity and data exchange services between the LAN via a dedicated server.

 B/S builds on the wide area network,

 the network does not have to be a dedicated hardware environment,

 such as telephone access,

 leased equipment.

 Information they manage . Than the C/S stronger adaptation,

 generally as long as the operating systems and browsers on the line.


 Safety requirements

  Relatively fixed C/S is generally user-oriented group of information security controls are strong.

 Generally highly confidential information systems using C/S structure appropriate.

 It can publish public information through B/S. B / S based on the wide area network,

 the security control is relatively weak,

 the user may for unknown.


 Program StructureC/S programs can pay more attention to the process,

 you can check on the multi-level privileges on the system speed can be less consideration. B/S for security and access speed of multiple considerations,

 the need to establish more optimal basis.

 Has higher requirements B/S structure of the application architecture is the development trend of the ratio C/S,

 from the MS.

 Net Series the BizTalk 2000 Exchange 2000,

 a comprehensive support network components to build a system.

 SUN and IBM push JavaBean component technology,

 so that B/S is more mature.


 Software reuse

  C/S integrity of the program can be considered unavoidable,

 reusable component reuse is not as good in B/S requirements under the member.

 B/S multiple structure,

 requiring relatively independent functional components.

 Reuse can be relatively good.

 Would like to buy a table can be reused,

 rather than doing a table in a stone wall


 System Maintenance

  C/S program due to the holistic,

 whole investigation must deal with the problems and system upgrades.

 Upgrade difficult.

 Probably do a new system

  B/S component composition,

 replacement of individual aspects of components,

 to achieve a seamless system upgrade system maintenance overhead is minimized.

 Users from the Internet to download the installation can be upgraded.


 Deal with the problem

  C/S can handle fixed user plane,

 and in the same area,

 security requirements,

 and operating system-related needs.

 Should all be the same system.

 B/S based WAN,

 for different user groups,

 geographic dispersion,

 which is the C/S can not be done.

 Relationship with minimum operating system platform.


 User Interface

  C/S Multi-Window platform is built on the limited performance of the method,

 programmers generally higher.

 B/S based on the browser,

 there are more rich and vivid expressions and user communication,

 And most difficult to reduce,

 reduce development costs.


 Information flow

  C/S program is usually a typical centralized mechanical handling,

 relatively low interactivity.

 B/S flow of information can change,

 change BB BC BG and other information flows,

 like trading center.

 Ⅲ Advantage of B / S

  (1) Convenient to update、 maintain and develop System.

 Whenever a server application upgrades,

 as long as you can upgrade the service application on the server,

 the browser software on the user" s computer without modification,

 systems development and upgrading maintenance. 2、 strong open

  In the B/S mode,

 the user access through a common browser,

 system openness is good.


 strong open

  In the B / S mode,

 the user access through a common browser,

 system openness is good.


 easy to extend

  Because the Web is a platform-independent,

 structural B/S mode can be arbitrarily extended,

 can contain from one server and several small systems users have thousands of users expanded into large systems


 Easy to use

 B/S mode applications are based on a Web browser,

 and a Web browser interface is similar.

 For non-users switching pages.

 User contact interface are the same,

 the user easy to use.



  2014 年 1 月 9 日星期四

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