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时间:2022-08-19 14:25:04 浏览量:




 中国橡胶工业协会轮胎分会秘书长发言(Secretary General of China Rubber Industry Association tire branch)

 中国橡胶工业协会轮胎分会秘书长发言(Secretary General of China Rubber Industry Association tire branch)

 Chinese Tire Rubber Industry Association Branch

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 In the 2012 national work conference speech on tire export


 CRIA tire branch secretary Cai Weimin

 The basic situation of China"s tire exports

 In recent years, China"s tire exports work to overcome the world economic downturn, the RMB against the U.S. dollar appreciation of nearly 30% 7 years, tire market demand and the US tyres case, and a plurality of national double anti trade friction, technical barriers and other unfavorable factors, to consolidate the old market and new market strategy, constantly improve the quality of the tire and tire products, develop new products on the market, and further strengthen the customer service technical service, the agents and customer satisfaction. Because of the fighting in the tire export trade of first-line business leaders and export staff worked hard work, achieved good results. Main features:

 1, tire exports to maintain steady growth

 In 2011, China"s tire exports reached 193 million, exports accounted for 42% of the total output. The 45 key enterprises of 2011 tire export delivery value of 62 billion 320 million yuan, 24.8% higher than the previous year. This year 1 to June, the amount of 45 companies and tire export delivery value year-on-year growth of 6.6% and 9.4% respectively.

 2, actively promote the green tire on the international market

 Aeolus Tyre Limited by Share Ltd launched the first global green tire market, Double Coin Card, triangle Chaoyang licensing, Fengshen brand, Linglong brand radial tire has been the United States Environmental Protection Agency named the green tire, and Guangzhou Southern China, Qingdao, Guizhou, Sichuan Double Star Tire sea, Shandong Jin Yu, Jiangsu GM, Shandong Xingyuan, Sheng Tai and other enterprises the product was well received in the international market.

 3, in the export products, export of complete sets of technology began to tire and abroad, the implementation of brand output

 For example, Henan friends Tire Co. Ltd. Uzbekistan in March 22, 2012 with the relevant departments of the formal contract, in order to complete the output form, to help the construction of an annual output of 10 million of all steel radial tire, radial tire technology to achieve complete export. In addition, Saudi Tanzania, also by sellers of referrals, and friends tire company has semi steel radial tire integrated projects reached a preliminary cooperation intention. Friend Tire Co. Ltd. will complete technology output to foreign countries, in China"s tire industry is walking in front of the.

  For example, Hangzhou Zhongce, Sailun tire Linglong group and Limited by Share Ltd and other units to foreign factories and offices, to participate in the international division of labor and tire industry internationalization, the products are exported to brand change output.

 4, from the national tire exports (regions), the United States and the European Union is the key to seize the market

 Branch secretariat statistics and analysis of 26 key enterprises, the first half of this year the main export countries (regions) such as table:

 The number of areas

 Varieties of the United States and the European Union

 The rest of the total

 Delivery ratio (%) (a) (a) delivery proportion (%) (a) delivery proportion (%) export delivery volume

 All steel radial tire 254131324.25663204 6.337277170


 The engineering radial tire 97129.

 06 11468 10.69 86073


 半钢子午胎 5424374 18.81 6559163 22.74 16857128 58.45


 其中轿车子午胎 3055516 16.39 4673139 25.07 10909875 58.53


 农业子午胎 79 0.16 1471 2.93 48589 96.91


 综合斜交胎 2750285 42.54 797547 12.34 2917830 45.13


 合计 10716052 23.38 8021384 17.50 27100717 59.12


 从表中数据看,全钢子午胎和半钢子午胎出口美国占 24.25%和18.81%,出口欧盟占 6.33%和 22.74%;斜交胎出口美国占 42.54%,出口欧盟占 12.34%。全钢子午胎出口美国和半钢子午胎出口欧盟分别是大头;斜交胎出口美国比重也很大。




 2、有的轮胎出口被国外检测不合格,主要是使用了不合格的原材料。如 2011 年 4 月至 9 月,欧洲轮胎和橡胶制造商协会对出口到欧盟地区的轮胎进行两轮样本采集,对轮胎中多环芳烃油的含量进行测试,10 月 17 日公布了测试结果,被认定不合格的有 9 种品牌的轮胎,其中中国就占 8 种(另一种是泰国)。乘用轮胎有 3 家内资企业,4 个规格的品牌不合格;卡车轮胎有 3 家内资企业、1 家外资企业,4 个规格品牌不合格。我们轮胎分会接到信息就立即与上述企业领导联系,提出要高重视并认真研读欧盟轮胎的相关新法规,尤其是禁止在轮胎中添加超标的多环芳烃油,要积极制定相关应对措施,完善质量控制体系,提高轮胎质量和环保性能。

 3、在应对轮胎双反贸易摩擦案件中,有的企业是涉案单位,也不报名参加行业无损害集体抗辩,只想搭顺风船。这次哥伦比亚卡客车反倾销案件涉案企业 35 家,只有 16 家企业报名参加行业无损害抗辩应诉。值得表扬的是许多内资和外资大轮胎企业积极参加应诉工作,特别是杭州中策逢案必打,决不放弃市场。



 Some tire export grade is not high, some do not get value for


 Three, make a few suggestions

 1, to do everything possible to make the tire export work, to ensure the steady growth of export. In 2011 the national tire exports 193 million, growth of 3.8% in 2010 186 million, this year can realize the tire export growth target of 4%, the key to see after 4 months of hard work, and a good foundation for the next work on tire exports.

 2, to the export of high performance, high value-added, green environmental protection, safety tire, and get value for money, avoid and reduce the occurrence of double reverse case etc.. If the trade friction, nor what terrible, as long as the enterprises to actively respond, do not take the boat downwind, responding to reflect the industry overall strength, good hit lawsuit.

 3, market segments, according to different countries and regions, the demand of the market, consumers need to provide different levels of tire, such as snow, desert, snow tires need, need deep tire tread.

 4, tire manufacturing enterprises to produce high performance, green tire for raw materials have become increasingly demanding, such as natural rubber, synthetic rubber, rubber additives, carbon black (including silica), rubber oil and skeleton material, green raw materials should be non-toxic, harmless, in line with EU tire labeling regulations requirements. Now the Aeolus tire company and other units basically all use green raw


 5, to protect the right to trademark such as tire exports, Japan and other countries who are squatting on the tire mark China, making the tire exports are affected. In Japan, China has 2 tire companies own registered 2 trademarks; being registered trademark tire has 9 companies a total of 11 trademark; and 28 7 of their own trademark has not been registered, but others are eyeing.

 For the 2 Japanese companies specialized China trademark cybersquatting behavior Chinese tire, rubber industry association and the US tire branch attaches great importance to the negotiations in November 29th last year to the Japan Patent Office letter, and promptly notifying relevant enterprises to actively respond to the tire. In July 12th this year, held in Beijing on the tire roundtable meeting, the Japanese Ministry of economy to our manufacturing industry bureau chief of the house reflects the above situation, Miyamoto expressed concern. After the meeting we will be written materials sent to Miyamoto, I hope the Japanese side to stop squatting. At the same time, we hope that the tire enterprises should attach great importance to this matter, and foreign tire agents or distributors to jointly safeguard the right of trademark.

 6, to the national Ministry of Commerce, rectifying the export trade order, the export of products of poor quality, poor credibility of the export enterprises and export traders, to take corrective measures to cancel the right of foreign trade.

 2006? copyright Chinese Tire Rubber Industry Association Branch

 Shanghai ICP 06042134 digital Shanghai Web Design

推荐访问:中国橡胶工业协会轮胎分会秘书长发言(Secretary General of China Rubber Industry Association tire branch) 橡胶 分会 中国